Calculate the Length of Day and Night

What Is the Day and Night Length Calculator?

The Day and Night Length Calculator is a tool designed to calculate the length of daylight and nighttime for any date and location. By entering the date, longitude, and latitude, you can quickly find out how long the day (daylight duration) and night (nighttime duration) will be at that location. This tool is particularly useful for anyone tracking sunlight exposure or planning outdoor activities.

Understanding Daylight and Nighttime Durations

"Daylight and Nighttime Duration" refers to the respective lengths of day and night within a 24-hour period. Due to the Earth's tilted axis and orbital path, the angle of sunlight changes with the seasons, leading to variations in day and night lengths across different seasons and latitudes.

Why Do Daylight and Nighttime Durations Change?

The Earth's axis is tilted by approximately 23.5 degrees, which causes seasonal variations in the angle of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface.

How to Use the Day and Night Length Calculator

  1. Enter the Date: Select the date you wish to analyze, such as 2025-03-21.
  2. Enter the Longitude: Input the longitude of the location and specify whether it is east or west longitude.
  3. Enter the Latitude: Input the latitude of the location and specify whether it is north or south latitude.
  4. Click Calculate: After entering all the required details, click the "Calculate" button. The system will compute the daylight and nighttime durations based on your inputs.
  5. View the Results: The system will display the lengths of daylight and nighttime for the selected location and date in the format "hours:minutes."